Submitted by Friends of 361

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Cpl. Dennis Sheppard 1st Bn. 5th Marines 1st Marine Div. 1970

Submitted by:
Cpl. Dennis C. Sheppard

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 Jeep In Tow
A CH-53 with a jeep in tow in An Hoa


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 CH-53 Transports Civilians
ARVNS and Vietnamese civilians board a 53 on LZ at An Hoa


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 "Another Free Ride"
Marines with a scout dog board a 53 on the LZ at An Hoa


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 An Hoa Base Camp
Cpl. Sheppard on right of sign at An Hoa Combat Base.


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 Marine 6-By
A 6-by (deuce and a half) on the main road at An Hoa 50 caliper
machine gun mounted on top for protection.


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 "Ammo Husky"
Grunts unload ammo from a "Husky" out in the Arizona Territory.


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 "The New Kid On The Block Cpl Sheppard"
 New kid on the block got to carry the Radio upon arrival to the 3rd
Plt. Delta Co. in the Arizona Territory. I was the squad radioman for
the next 6 months.


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 "Grunts Dug In"
Grunts of 3rd plt. "dug in" on a hill somewhere out in the Arizona,
note the ammo boxes in the foreground.


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This is a vill at which our patrol had taken a break. We were ambushed shortly after we left this vill and entered the tree line. This was only my second patrol in country. The moral of this story is "Don't take a break in a vill".


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 Propaganda Leaflets 
These leaflets were dropped by US Aircraft.


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 Propganda Leaflets 
These leaflets were dropped by US Aircraft.


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This card was carried by the radioman Cpl. Sheppard
and was used to call in a Medevac Chopper. 

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This card was carried by the radioman Cpl. Sheppard
and was used to call a Chopper and brief them before they landed. 


My Special thanks to Dennis Sheppard a brother Marine.

Thank You
Semper Fi


Thank you Dennis Sheppard

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