HMM-361 Members
Submitted Photos

We will forgive A.C. for sending in HMM363 photos
because he is a 361 member.

HMM-361/363, 1967-68-69-71

Submitted by: A.C. Daniel

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Former Marines Jed Davis HMM-363 & A.C. Daniel HMM-361/363
 Chu Lai on DOD contract 1971


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"Two Red Lions From HMM-363"
Cpl. Jed Davis & Sgt. A.C. Daniel onboard USS Princeton Oct. 1968


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"Stay Clear Man"
"Doc" Breese Corpsman on the USS Princeton Oct. 1968 


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"Goofing Off Again"
Sgt. A.C. Daniel taking a break again HMM-363 Phu Bai 1969


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"Flight Crew HMM-363"
Crewchief  A.C. Daniel standing on landing gear, others a pilot & gunner, who's  names are unknown.


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"Army Chinook"


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"Maintenance Line "


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"Flight Line"


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Thank you A.C. Daniel even if they are Red Lions photos

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